Me3 Appearance Codes

Mass Effect 3 already provides expanded scope for PC gamers to adjust graphics settings with the addition of the Mass Effect 3 Configuration Utility, which has been covered on the previous pages. However there are further ways of adjusting the image quality and gameplay settings in ME3, and these are discussed in this section of the guide.

Mass effect 3 female codes

Just a little fun thing I stumbled upon while getting my files ready for another ME series playthrough over the summer. Changing hair color in ME1. Texplorer is ME3Explorer's main and most advanced tool for modding textures (armor, weapons, clothing, etc). With it, every texture in the Mass Effect trilogy can be viewed, extracted, and replaced. Texplorer is for textures only. It does not allow for the browsing or editing of meshes. Texplorer is also not a texture/photo editor. Editing extracted textures requires a program such as.

Posted over 8 years ago. Visible to the public.

Me3 Appearance Codes Code

  • Create a new Mass Effect 3 character with the desired face (also see How to recreate your unimportable Mass Effect 2 character in Mass Effect 3).
  • Download the savegame editor (it's very beta).
  • Open the character with the desired face, go to 'Player', then 'Appearance', then click 'Export head morph'. Save the file to disk.
  • Open the character with the face you want to change, go to 'Player', then 'Appearance', then click 'Import head morph'. Load the file you saved before.
  • Save the changed character to a new savegame.
  • Resume the game.

Eye Color Codes For Mass Effect 2

What Tool To Use

Gibbed Save Editor for Mass Effect 2

Download the most recent version from here: Gibbed Save Editor ME2


This tool does not edit the coalesced.ini file. It only edits a selected save file from your game. You use this tool to change the appearance of your Shepard, add talent points, credits, and even change plot point resolutions.

See full instructions on how to install this here.

Faces of Gaming also has a pretty great list of codes (not just eyes). Check it out here.

Iris Color Customization:

See the code and the image side-by-side

A compiled list of iris color codes for Gibbed Save Editor (ME2) along with a corresponding image of what the color looks like.

To get to the values go to:
Raw > [+] Player > [+] Appearance > [+] Morph Head > Vector Parameters > (Collection)[…] > EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector

Note: I’d recommend saving the values in a text document in case you want to restore it.

In case you were wondering, these codes DO work in most part for Mass Effect 3. You just have to add the code into the ME3 Gibbed Save Editor – Guide here.

Me3 Appearance Codes Fortnite

Steel Grey
0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1

Mass Effect 3 Face

Sea Blue
0, 0.6, 0.9, 1

Olive Grey
0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 1

Slate Grey
0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 1

Purple (Light)
1, 1, 6, 1

Purple Grey
1, 1, 2, 1

White (Glowing)
10, 10, 10, 1

Light Brown
.6, .4, .3, 1

This list is still being worked on, and is just me messing around with the numbers. This way I don’t have to try to remember what I liked or didn’t like, I can just refer back here.

If you have colors you’d like me to add to this list, contact me with the code (and screenshot if you have it).

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