House Line In Palmistry

Palm Reading is also called Palmistry or Chiromancy (meaning hand prediction). It is an analysis of a person's hand to foretell the future and personalities. It has been used for centuries in different cultures, and there are many variations of the interpretation. This site's reading is based on Chinese origin. Palm lines in palmistry (1)lifeline: Lifeline - starting from the palm side between the thumb and index finger, walking to the bottom of the palm. The length of the lifeline does not represent the length of years, but on behalf of the strength of vitality, so the lifeline really should be called to the vitality line. Breaks: Breaks in the major or minor lines of a Palm can represent both positives and negatives.


Palmistry is not foretelling. The original intent of palmistry was for personality assessment and counselling. One's emotional tendencies, social attitudes, conscious awareness and subconscious fears, blockages and strengths can be understood in great detail through this in-depth system which analyses the hand and the markings it carry.Though these days it is used to predict the future of an individual, palmistry does well with the personality assessment task.

You cannot make actual predictions with palmistry. However, since there is a definite mind-body connection, we know that negative or positive thinking affects our well-being.Due to our habitual way of thinking, we often repeat the same behaviour in the future as we exhibit in the present. If we can understand the pattern of our habits and thinking, then we can begin to ignore the negative cycles of behaviour and can replace them with positive new ones. Palmistry can help you see these patterns. With this information, you can shape your own destiny.


Palmistry is best seen as a dynamic process. The lines of the hand are not carved in stone. Since the lines, mounts and signs of the hand, the palm and the fingers reflect our thinking and behaviour patterns the study of the above gives a definite reading of the person . The lines and markings physically change as our thinking changes.


It is important to look at both hands during a reading. Depending on which hand is active (usually seen as the hand you write with),in combination with the inactive hand, shows where you have been (passive),and where you are likely headed (active) in this life.


Head Line Palmistry


Chiromancy: This is the study of the lines within the palm.The lines in the palms are formed during the foetal development and best carry the personality traits and characters of the individual. This was palmistry in olden ages. Later the various marks and mounts on the palm also came into study and focus.

Chirognomy: The study of the general shape of the hand , finger shapes, finger nails and their texture is termed as Chirognomy. This study is helping in finding out the true personality of the individual under study.

Dermatoglyphics: The study of the ridges found in the finger tips is called Dermatoglyphics. This is very useful in criminal/forensic sciences and is nowadays used as a personal identification tool.


Palmistry Lines Marriage

Today, people attempt to use Palmistry to learn about their current life and what may be in their future. They use it for all sorts of modern things such as the future of an office romance, whether they are lucky enough to win today on online roulette or if they will be able to healthy enough to go on a round the world trek. However, the science of chiromancy or palmistry originated before Christianity itself. The esteemed scientists and philosophers such as Aristotle, Pliny, Anaxagoras, Hispanus, Cardamis and Emperor Augustus all agreed to this fascinating discipline of Palmistry.


The Bible itself speaks of the markings in one's hand in the book of Job as: 'God placed signs or seals in the hands of men, that all men might know their works., and there is always the timeless knowledge that God and nature make nothing in vain.' For some time this knowledge of palmistry was left to quacks and novices .The Hindus, the Greeks, the Christians and many other learned cultures embraced this science of Palmistry.

The human palm best reveals the story of the human life in the past, present and future.The hand cannot perform a single action without the brain, and there are more nerves from the brain to the hand than to any other part of the body.The hands are the major messaging tools of the human community from time immemorial. Long before languages came into vogue hand gestures played an important role in communciations. We write with them, work with them, and touch others with our hands only. Is it not ones caress more soothing than a thousand words in times of joy or sorrow ? Hence many ancient civilizations had good reason to study mankind through the hands--their shape, their texture, and the lines within them. Today, palmistry is used to help give people direction in life and to shed light on personal issues like health, finances and family. A palmist can tell you about yourself in order to help you take control of your future.

Click here for your online Palmistry / Palm Reading.

The study of the Human Palm is also more commonly known as the art of “Palmistry”. In this, one mainly observes the shape of a palm, along with its colour, the lines present on it and also the length of the fingers protruding from the palm. It is believed by many that Palmistry allows you to determine whether one will have good luck or bad luck in the future. It is their belief that through the use of Palmistry, they will be able to learn about their own lives and understand themselves a bit more.

Palmistry – Significance of Palm Reading and Major Lines!

Also check: Deal with Heartbreak Based On Zodiac!

A Brief History About Palmistry

The origins of Palmistry cannot be traced back to just a single country. For example, there are a number of Mural Relics littered across the face of India, which let us know that Palmistry was quite prevalent in ancient India. However, Palmistry also has a long and rich history in the country of China. It is well known that more than 3000 years ago, since the rise of the Zhou Dynasty(1045 – 256 BC), Palmistry has been used widely in China. The first time that Palmistry was carried out in a systematic manner in China, was during the advent of the Western Han Dynasty(206 BC – 9 AD).

Palmistry Lines Death

The Four Aspects indicated by Palmistry

  • Innate Conditions – The resources that one will own and/or the state of the resources one already owns, can be hinted at through Palmistry. Palmistry can also indicate your family background.
  • Status of Work and Life in general – The state of your relationships, be it at work with your colleagues, or how your relationships with your family members and friends will fare can be known by using Palmistry.
  • Physical State – This is one of the major reasons why people choose to opt for Palmistry. It is widely believed that Palmistry can tell you how your physical and mental health will be in future.
  • Fate – Palmistry places a lot of importance on how your fate is going to be, whether your luck will take a turn for the better or worse and the type of consequences you will have to face.

The Five Major Lines

  1. Life Line – Also known as the “Earth Line”, it extends around your thumb and is supposed to be reflective of your Physical health and vitality.
  2. Wisdom Line – Also known as the “Human Line”, it extends from the center of the thumb and index finger to the other side of the palm. It reflects the mentality and personality of a person.
  3. Love Line – Also known as the “Heaven Line”, it starts from beneath the little finger and continues till the index finger and reflects a person’s Love Life.
  4. Fate Line – This one moves from your wrist to the middle finger and is also known as the “career Line”. The fate of a person’s career and fortune is reflected by this line.
  5. Marriage Line – This is the shortest line of these five, stretching between the little finger and the Love Line, and reflects how a person’s romantic relationships(including marriage) will fare.

Palmistry’s Minor Lines:

After the major lines the minor or secondary lines are next in the order. Let’s find out more about it.

Depending on the features of the hand, such as its form, mounts, and adjacent lines, the minor lines may reflect different things. These lines are studied to give knowledge about the desires, capabilities, limitations, and secret abilities of the indigenous person. Moreover, these lines appear to be very faint in many situations.

Own House Line In Palmistry In Hindi

However, one should not get too obsessed or lost to reading their palms to decipher their personality or future. Take guidance and lessons from experts.

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